TEI Rules for Digital Editions, Start to Finish1

Schema: When you create your TEI pages in oXygen, select the first option, TEI "All":

Creating a new TEI document in oXygen

If you want to change an existing document to validate against the "TEI All schema, copy and paste the the code containing schema information that appears at the top when you create a new TEI All document, the code between the XML document declaration (<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>) and the TEI document root node (<TEI xmlns="http://www.tei-c.org/ns/1.0"), as pictured below:

the schema information for a TEI All document

Oxygen shortcuts (pdf):

To wrap a word, phrase, sentence, or paragraph (a "string") in a tag, use command-e (mac) / ctrl-e (pc), and then type or scroll through to find the element you wish to enclose in the tag.

To split a tag, ctrl-option-d

In oXygen, typing < should show you options for all tags; typing a tag name and then a space, should offer you attribute options for that tag; once the attribute is selected, possible values may be offered to appear inside the quotation marks.

Rules for Encoding Your Documents:

Comment out- <!-- -->

Div Types:

Paragraphs- <p> A new paragraph will always begin on a new line, and therefore it is not necessary to encode a line break except when extra space is needed such as doublespace between paragraphs.

Indent: Paragraphs automatically indent at the XSLT level. For other instances where indenting is necessary (e.g., in some poetry quotes), code as one word—e.g., Indent1; Indent2. Each number for one ‘em.’

Non-indenting paragraph <p rend="noindent"> Paragraphs will normally indent one em at the XSLT level

Non-breaking space &#160;

Insert a break line in heads or titles (in <head><bibl><title>) -- no <p> in here at all. Use <lb/>

Titles and Authors in div heads: <title> can appear directly in <div><head>, but if <author> will appear as well, they both need to be enclosed by a <bibl> tag:

<div type="novel">
<lb/> World
<lb/><hi rend="smallcaps">according to</hi>
<author>John Irving</author>

Title tags in document: by default, <title>contents</title> will be italicized. To avoid italics, use <title level="a">

Page Break: <pb n="12"/>

Locate at the beginning of the page. Number of new page always specified within code.

Small caps: <hi rend="smcaps">Sir,</hi>. Note that true small caps are typed as lower-case. Upper case will look the same as an uncoded or regular cap.

Italics: <hi rend=“italic”>.

Font size change <hi rend="large"> S</hi> or <hi rend="small">

Superscript: <hi rend="sup">a</hi>


  1. <note>All note content. </note> Do not number (@n) or place (@place) the notes: the XSLT will number automatically and generate links to endnotes that are placed in a Notes section in the end of the document: no need to use <back> for endnotes.
  2. Notes may not contain <p> tags: use <lb/> and <hi rend="indent"> if paragraphing appears in notes.


  1. <quote> can be inside or outside paragraphs. When it appears inside paragraphs, the XSLT automatically generates quotation marks.
  2. When you need to use quotation marks for something that is not a <quote>, simply type the single or double quotation mark, or, use &quot; and &apos;

Forme work: All <fw> tags must have an @type of vol, sig, or catch:

Flush right- <hi rend="flushRight">M.</hi>

Flush left- <hi rend="flushLeft">Yours truly,</hi>

Salute, Signed, Dateline: These tags must always be inside <opener> and <closer> tags.

Entities (https://www.fileformat.info/info/unicode/char/search.htm; note that they always begin with an ampersand and end with a semi-colon):

Entities are used in order to distinguish a character that looks like code from characters that are text. In practice, you can simply type " and ' -- you don't have to use those entities most of the time.

NB: when you type & in oXygen, a drop-down will appear offering:

Text Description automatically generated

ampersand- &amp;

Apostrophes (use also for single quotes): &apos;

greater than: &gt;

less than: &lt;

Quotes: &quot; Single quotes use apostrophe

Unicode entities that must be typed into the XML document:

For a full list, see the W3C UTF8 punctuation list. Here follows commonly used UTF8 punctuation codes:

Non-breaking Space &#160;

Hard Return &#xA;

Dashes (em dash) &#8212;

Dagger &#8224;

for accented Latin characters:

  1. Go to https://www.fileformat.info/info/unicode/char/search.htm
  2. Enter the letter into the search box:
Graphical user interface, text, application, chat or text message Description automatically generated
  1. Select from the results list:
Table Description automatically generated
  1. Scroll down to "Encodings":
  1. Select the "HTML entity decimal": &#233; for lower-case e accent acute (é)



<bibl>P<hi rend="smcaps">ope.</hi></bibl>
<l>&quot;Out with it, Dunciad! let the secret pass,</l>
<l>&quot;That secret to each fool, that he's an ass.&quot;</l>

People List

To create a term for in the people list:


<term xml:id="AkensideMark">

Akenside, Mark, 1721-1770 (Library of Congress Name Authority)


<gloss>[biographical blurb]</gloss>


To link a reference from a doc to a term in the people list:

<name ref="#BrookeFrances">Brooke</name>. The LastnameFirstname part must exactly replicate the xml:id as it appears in the people list.

To create a link within the people list from one person’s people list gloss to another people entry <name ref="#FieldingHenry">Henry Fielding</name>


1. Please note that not all of these rules are required by the TEI recommendations; consult the TEI P5 Guidelines for encoding rules that are valid for any TEI Document.. These rules are offered here only to make usable the XSLT and CSS files available in the Digital Edition Folder (view; download). Download a PDF version of these instructions. Back to Top

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Mandell, Laura C. Date: 2022-10-07